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The Himalayas in the Summer

As with the Alps and most other mountain ranges, the snow will melt on the lower slopes in the warmth of the summer sun exposing the rocks beneath it. The Himalayas present the greatest peaks on planet Earth and are the result of the collision of the Indian tectonic plate with the Eurasian Plate. The summer months expose wonderful strata and colour in the rocks though the tallest peaks will still have snow on them. This photograph was taken in the Ladakh region of northern India.

Street Performer

Taken at the Wymondham Dickensian Steampunk Fayre in November 2013.  This is the lead singer of Thy Last Drop who performed in the Market Square. The background was toned down with a little desaturation to minimise the distraction caused by the lady in the backround who was wearing a red raincoat.

One Last Puff

Taken at the Wymondham Dickensian Steampunk Fayre in November 2013. I saw this gentleman, who was actually one of the stall holders, and asked if I could take his picture as he smoked his cigarette. He willingly obliged. I converted in to B&W and added some treatment to emphasise the facial features.

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